Mirchi Suchi: Good to listen, not too good to watch live!

I normally avoid criticism of individual talent in this blog. But, having been a unfortunate spectator to the disaster in programme compere talent of Suchi (popularly known as Mirchi RJ Suchi) I had to blog her.

On line write-ups call her one of the best RJs, perhaps she is. I am not an avid FM follower, but, Suchi, or more precisely her voice was pointed out to me by none other than Organic Krishnan, who claimed at that time to be her fan (and has since then denied it)!

I heard her screaming saucy voice quite a few times, particularly while travelling in crowded and overstuffed autos in Chennai suburbs. As far as I could make out, she spoke a universalized chennai tamil, no local dialect and generally seemed to converse in a backdrop a non-stop giggle. Her indulgent tone towards phone-callers to the programme is probably a rule for all such RJs.

But, she on stage as the master of ceremonies (or comperer) is a nightmare, particularly if you are the organizer. I watched her do an entertainment programme last year and was appalled at her goof-ups. It was during the John Britto dance company annual show, which normally is well produced programme. She almost gave a negative built-up to one of the well choreographed numbers, placing her opinion far above the announcement she was to make.

Yesterday, I saw her again at IIT in an award ceremony for rural innovators. She not only goofed up bad, she turned the entire programme on its head by shutting down the video on the innovators in the middle of the programme!

I bet she is talented and she certainly is a costly comperer to get (her charges for a couple of hours programme I am told could be as high as Rs.20,000/-), but, if someone cannot manage the stage and understand and present the spirit of the programme and instead is too keen on presenting themselves, then you realize perhaps the person is not fit beyond the indulging RJ role!

Suchi needs to grow and for the sake of discerning public, stop compering programmes.


aswin said…
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aswin said…
mind ur tongue bfore u write...